
01 Jun

FIRA from Car Wash (also known as Lava Jato in Portuguese) to the world

FIRA, a technological and compliance brazilian startup created in the beginning of 2014, has been selected to the ALPHA 2018 program to be present at this year's edition of Money Conference, to be held in Dublin. Between 1 and 13 of June. FIRA will be present in one of the world's biggest technological showrooms for the financial market, sharing its success with all attendees.

FIRA took the advantage and learned from Lava Jato, name given to the corruption investigation launched in March 2014 to improve their unique tool, a software capable of analyzing financial companies clients beahvior, crossing their data with market and historical information, generating alerts in cases of non-compliance to rules or regulations.

Compliance reference in Brazil, FIRA team believe that is the right time to expand its business abroad by helping to build a more compliant world.